I met Kathy at the Methodist church about two weeks before her wedding. It was a chance to meet her pastor and tour the facility. It's gorgeous! And quite large too. They clearly have a sizable congregation. To keep distractions down, the pastor asked me to stay near the back half of the church during the ceremony, but after the bride and groom walked to the front. This allowed me the opportunity to photograph the primaries as the approached the front, with time to disappear to the back when the service started. I am aways happy to work within the requirements of the couple I am hired to photograph, and was glad for the time to tour the church to plan where I would be before the big day arrived.
The bride and groom are lovely people. I thoroughly enjoyed working with them, meeting their families, and taking part in their cerebration. In keeping with their request to keep things a little low key, here are two photos from their wedding that I hope you will enjoy viewing.