A local podiatrist needed my help. He was the recent winner of a prestigious award and he wanted portraits of himself with it. His wife called to arrange the session. As we conversed about the session, there was a strange familiarity about her. Later that afternoon, her husband sent an email, which is when I made the connection. I had seen her husband professionally almost 15 years ago when I needed the expertise of a foot doctor for the pain in my ankle. Well that sure changed the dynamic of the portrait session! Now it was a couple of friends getting back together.
I met Doctor at his office where we began the photo session outside, in a nicely landscaped courtyard. As it turned out, not only did I shoot photographs of him with his award, but also with a large plaque on which his name was added to a list of doctors who previously had won the award.
From there, we moved inside the office building to the lobby. The patterns on the wall from the overhead lights were really cool so I Incorporated those in several of the photos. I also added a large studio light to separate him from the background while highliting that gorgeous color in his suit and tie!
Photographing Doctor around his familiar office worked very well as he was very comfortable there. We were able to create several portraits of him that he would use in his materials. In fact, what started as a half-hour session ended up turning into an hour and a half because we were having such a great time photographing and just getting reacquainted. I was disappointed his wife did not have time to join us so I was unable to photograph her with her husband.
For those of you interested in the more technical details this portrait session, I used a Nikon D850 with a Tamron 24-70 G2 lens. Lighting was by Broncolor.
Please note the text on the award was removed for this article.